Through your generosity, the work of Cristo Rey Orlando becomes a reality.
Ken & Mary Pat Burke
Andrew P. Caneza Foundation
Don & Joan Strube
Garrett & Amanda Burke
Ally Building Solutions
Del - Air Heating & Cooling
Sen. Mel & Kitty Martinez
Russell & Amy Allinson
Jimmy & Nikki Ferrell
Mark & Robin Ogier
Joe & Carol Bert
Chris & Caroline Gardner
Lusant & Mariher Ordoñez
Bruce & Joan Blackman
Brett & Becky Kenefick
Ryan & Katie Totolo
St. Margaret Mary
Catholic Church
Michael Kenefick
Tom & Peggy Chandler
Gerald Ogier
Annunciation Catholic Church
Ash Grove Charitable Foundation
Astara Capital Partners
Jonathan & Kathleen Ball
Brad & Kelly Blystone
Nathan & Anna Bond
Carl & Dana Boyd
Jeffry & Maureen Branham
William Brown
Scott & Melissa Bunkers
Drew & Julie Byrnes
Jim & Chris Caruso
The Collage Companies
Sean & Beth Anne Cuda
Andy & Jenny Day
Orlando and Carrie Evora
Andrew Fast
Gavin & Annette Ford
Edyth Bush Foundation
Four Seasons Resort
Laura Fullen
Marianne Geddings
Ron Ginsburg
Dr. Ben & Kathy Helgemo
Don & Amy Howard
Greg & Pam Jacoby
Allan Keen
Michael & Carol Kenefick
The Kiefer Foundation
Tim & Kathy Kiley
Steve Kinney
Joan Kinsey
Mike & Christine Kirchner
Duane & Cindy Kuck
JP & Peyton Kuhlman
Kathy LaCorte
Chrissie & John Landolfi
David Lawton
Ester Lincourt
Jason and Amanda Livermore
Christine Lupi
Tom & Judy Maish
Valerie Mikles
Greg and Katie Morrison
Dennis & Jillian O'Connor
Spice World
Steve & Theresa Ogier
Brad & Sara Osleger
Margaret Paparella
Michael & Meghan Post
Prince Family Charitable Fund
Diane & Larry Rostkowski
John and Helen Schaffer
Albert F. Schenkel
Brett Sealy
Doug Sealy
Thad & Katie Seymour
Brian & Aimee Shields
Stephen & Carolyn Smith
Jennifer Spooner
Christopher & Debbie Tessitore
Victor & Leticia Troiano
Brandon & Kathleen Vogt
Denis & Cheryl Weber
Archbishop Allan Wiggins
Bruce and Michelle Woodburn
Pro Bono and In-Kind Donations
So grateful for these individuals and companies who have given time & talent!
Austin Caruso
Strategic Partners
We are grateful to partner with these organizations in our shared missions!
Outstanding Feasibility Volunteers
These Cristo Rey Orlando Feasibility Study Committee Members volunteered countless hours to make our school a reality. Our success is, in large part, due to their efforts. Thank you!
Russel Allinson
Mike Beale
Dr. Daniel Boyd
Vanessa Brundidge
Garrett Burke
Bob Byrne
Kate Byrne
Austin Caruso
Dcn. Rick Chabot
Tom Chandler
Lori Cherry
Paula Costa
Dr. Margaret Curran
David Dennis
Ericka Dickerson
Chris Ice
Ted Kachris
Brett Kenefick
Sarah Luter
Emily Tessitore Macdonell
Dan Mantzaris
John Martinez
Sen. Mel Martinez
Pam Montz
Joanne Morrisson
Joe Morse
Tadar Muhammad
Kent Muscaro
Nathan Nadeau
Andrew Orosz
Bill Orosz
Matt Orosz
Sonni Abatta Orosz
Steve Orosz
Dcn. Pete Pronko
Rey Rodriguez
Thad Seymour
Stephen Smith
Krys Tetterton
Dr. Laura Tomko
Comm'r Mayra Uribe
Cheryl Weber
Denis Weber